In a scandalous, decades-long affair with her husband, Robin also confesses mad crushes on her three teens. She’s Southern as sugar-shocked tea and advocates talking to strangers, creative punctuation, stopping to smell the posies and walking in rain. Her favorite emotion is laughing through tears and she’s convinced laughing IS divine. People and places inspire her, but Creation’s marvels steal her breath. Her ‘prayer without ceasing” is Lord, I believe . . . help my unbelief. Robin plays with words and thoughts at where she hopes you’ll drop in from time to time. She adores (in)courage and is lavishly blessed when readers take. . .
Connect with Robin on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram.
Ask the Writer
Q: What role would you play in a rock band?
A: Adele, just Adele. Unforgettable voice, unconventional style. Moxie. And those cat-eyes…